Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Midwest Craft Caucus

I attended the Midwest Craft Caucus this past weekend and had a wonderful time!  It is the incentive that I needed to get my rear in gear.  There were lots of Craft folks that attended and a lot of Crafty Folks that are professionals in this area.  By Professional I mean that they are making a living off of their art or craft or they are making a successful supplemental income.  I truly believe that this is something our Community has needed for years. 

The Caucus provided workshops on different topics that will help the indivual Craft Artisan with their businesses.  Some of the topics were Effective Merchandising, How to Improve Your Product Photography , Working with Street Teams and Collectives and my most favorite Connecting with your Customers.  I really loved all the classess I took and wished that I could have taken all that were offered.

Hats off to all the Planners, Sponsors and Volunteers of the Midwest Craft Caucus!http://www.midwestcraftcaucus.com/