Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Midwest Craft Caucus

I attended the Midwest Craft Caucus this past weekend and had a wonderful time!  It is the incentive that I needed to get my rear in gear.  There were lots of Craft folks that attended and a lot of Crafty Folks that are professionals in this area.  By Professional I mean that they are making a living off of their art or craft or they are making a successful supplemental income.  I truly believe that this is something our Community has needed for years. 

The Caucus provided workshops on different topics that will help the indivual Craft Artisan with their businesses.  Some of the topics were Effective Merchandising, How to Improve Your Product Photography , Working with Street Teams and Collectives and my most favorite Connecting with your Customers.  I really loved all the classess I took and wished that I could have taken all that were offered.

Hats off to all the Planners, Sponsors and Volunteers of the Midwest Craft Caucus!http://www.midwestcraftcaucus.com/

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cool Photo Collage

I'm on-line tonight trying to get together my photos to enter into a show. I thought the best way to do this was to create a collage.
Let me know what you think of it! All of the photos are of handmade items that me, my Mom or my Grandmother have made. The scarf in the bottom left hand corner was a scarf that was featured in The Columbus Alive paper!

Happy Crafting!
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brainstorming for Creativity

Today I was brainstorming for ideas on starting a new Creative Group in the area where I live.  I think it's important to keep Handmade alive in our community.  I know there are a lot of groups out there right now but I don't know what they are all about.  Meaning, I don't know what their goals are for promoting Art and promoting Crafts.  I would like to start a group that promotes both and puts Columbus on the map for Handmade.  Make it an epicenter where people want to come to find something new and different.

I love being around people that are creative!  It makes me think more about my craft and it makes me want to do more in the community.  And, I don't know about you but have you ever talked to someone that had no wish whatsoever to do anything creative?  They have no spark and the conversation usually ends pretty quickly.  

I also believe in supporting your community but there are so many ways to do it.  One thing I would definitely like to do is educate the community.  Make them aware of all the Artists that live in this city.  How important it is to support them by not only purchasing from them but going out and supporting them when there are shows, gallery showings, etc...  I think it is important to make people aware of how important it is to shop locally.  Let's put it this way, look at the US right now.  Most of the big businesses are sending jobs overseas or to Mexico to exploit the cheap labor.  If these jobs were in the US right now we would have money flowing in our economy.  The same goes for shopping everywhere but in the area where you live.  Don't get me wrong, you don't have to buy everything locally but you should buy locally when you can.

Last but not least (at least for now) I think it is important to teach kids to be creative.  Family traditions of making things should be passed on.  I'm a third generation knitter and a fourth generation quilter.  Well, I'm trying to be a quilter anyway.... Hobbies keep children out of trouble.  It also promotes quality time with friends and family.  Creative kids that are allowed to express themselves don't take guns to school. 

Okay, I'm off my soapbox!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Published My First Etsy Team Columbus Member Interview tonight

I'm so excited!  I published my first team member interview tonight on the Etsy Team Columbus blog.  I'm not a great blogger but I'm trying.  I hope if you get the chance to check out my interview of Joy StClaire of Oh Joy! Photography.  She is also a new member of ETC so please welcome her!

Etsy Team Columbus

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

On a Quest for a New Line of Products

I should be called PrincessofallScarves instead of PrincessofallthingsCrafty.  Throughout the year I make more scarves than anything else.  I don't mind really as I can make different types of scarves and try new stitches when making them.  However, sometimes, okay a lot of times, I get bored and just want to try something different.  So my Quest for this year is to find another niche.  It doesn't necessarily have to be Knitting but I would like to make a few new products to add to the Crazy Craft N Ladies line.  I would also like to make more one of a kind jewelry for LanieBugJewelry. 

For the Jewelry line I already have a few ideas.  My main idea is to make Summer jewelry.  Jewelry that reminds a person of their best vacation ever.  Or it could even make them think of the vacation they want to have, like me for instance....I would love to go to a tropical beach and sip on tropical drinks and soak in the sun all day.  Throw in a nice looking guy and a big fan and we are good to go!  So wouldn't you love to have a piece of jewelry that makes you think of that!

For Crazy Craft N Ladies I'm thinking Bags and purses, my passion, but with a twist.  Lots of people make both and I want mine to stand out but I also want it to be fun.  So I have to think up a twist on the bag idea.

Looking forward to sharing my ideas with you!  Happy New Year!